Friday, July 18, 2008

Dad's House

I am at dad's house and we have a birthday party tomorrow. Just so you know, I have read 2 of my books on the list. Nothing else really new. Give me a call or comment.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Amy, Noelle, Nikki, and Carlo

Today and yesterday we saw the people mentioned above. They live in New Jersey. Nikki is the oldest, then Noelle, and lastly Carlo. They went to a drive in movie last night, but I didn't go. I went to see the zooquarium with them and Vicki's boys. I am goin to lunch with them today, but that's about it for today.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hi again

Nothin really new. I'm down the cape again and I will update when something big happens.The picture is really random, but I'm a taurus!

Sunday, July 6, 2008


The past few days I have been busy, so I haven't blogged. But, I am down the Cape and nothing has happened or improved. Here are some pictures.(Lots) Talk to you tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Just so everyone knows, I am going to have honored commentors every month. The last 10 posts will help decide the honored commentors. And the honored commentors are:


Secret Life

Today I am happily doing nothing. I may clean a bit, but tonight I am watching something. It's called the Secret Life Of The American Teenager. That's the day today.